How to increase potency in men natural ways to

Men at any age is not immune to problems with потенцией. To date, it is not surprising that the young guys have a potency disorders of any kind.

how to increase potency in men

The cause of erectile dysfunction can become a physical trauma or stress, where and the consequences. Problems with потенцией can have both unnatural temporary or permanent nature.

Hesitate to appeal to the doctor, men often resort to the help of these synthetic drugs and completely forget about what improve erection is possible, and using natural remedies.

A definite plus of most synthetic substances – an instant increase in potency, but follow some tips on improving men's health, it is possible to prevent the trouble.

Increase the potency of natural methods

  1. The first and main – it is proper nutrition, which plays a major role in полноценном functioning of the whole organism. Eat vitamins, fresh from the garden fruits and vegetables – is the key to success. Men are simply indispensable as vitamins and minerals like C,E, zinc, selenium and vitamins of group In. Irreplaceable in the diet will be the following products: nuts, honey, garlic, legumes, egg yolks, eggs, chocolate, and stewed in milk with carrots.
  2. Performing special exercisesthat are able to increase the efficiency of, and that is the reason, strengthen blood circulation, especially in pelvic organs. Exercises of this kind do not take up too much time, but they are quite effective.
  3. The availability of sexual desire in men is directly linked with levels of testosterone – the male sex hormone. Respectively, low levels of testosterone resulting in a reduction in efficacy and sexual function. In middle-aged men the levels of testosterone gradually starts to decline.
  4. The main enemy of potency – overweight. In addition, the presence of excess weight carries with it chredu other diseases, such as diabetes, for example.
  5. A sedentary way of life is able to have a negative effect on the potency. In the ideal case, when the profession of the men is associated with physical activity.
  6. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs – злейшие enemies potency
  7. Stress and experiences of a different kind of oppressed sexual function.
  8. Sleep – the guarantee of health, must take place in a maximum of pleasant and comfortable conditions and for a duration to be at least eight hours.

What are the natural methods to increase potency?

  1. Three raw cloves of garlic per day best effect on increasing the potency
  2. Useful for the reproductive system are the pumpkin seedsthat can be eaten in any form.
  3. Медовые application and the honey in its purest form an excellent increase male power. Time-tested remedy for the natural increase in the potency – that is drinking in equal proportions of honey, walnuts and the juice of aloe.
  4. Another effective remedy to increase the duration of erection – this is the ordinary mustard plaster, which is to be used to ступням. Mustard is able to trigger the active flushing of blood from the feet goes directly to the genitals.

5 great ways to increase potency in men

  1. Every day to eat a lot of vegetables and lean red meat with herbs.
  2. Periodically raise the tone by taking a bath with мумие.
  3. Do a contrast shower or a bath for organs of small pelvis.
  4. Lead the daily diet of a small amount of nuts, be it almonds, cedar, or walnut.
  5. Daily drink tomato juice and a small amount of red wine.


The best prevention of the potency – enhancing mental health. To disorders of sex can lead to improper behavior of the other partner, its cold in bed.

Experts agree in вмени, if you keep proper hygiene of the body and set up permanent psychological relations with the maximum of the opposite sex, then it is possible to prevent the occurrence of serious diseases. And finally, you cannot abuse medical drugs, повышающими potency, without consultation with a specialist.

It is easier to stick to simple rules, then for the upcoming years, you can forget all about the loss of male power.

Exercises to lift droopy


Sports, certainly they are needed, but common gymnastics малоэффективна in the issues of improving the potency.

In this case, we need special exercises:

As always, bring the girl to orgasm?

  1. Strengthen its potency. Allows you to extend sexual intercourse from a few minutes, and it at least to hours, increases the sensitivity of women to the caresses and allows her to be incredibly strong and long lasting orgasm.
  2. Study and application of the new positions. The unpredictability in bed always excites women .
  3. Also do not forget about other sensitive places on a woman's body. And the first of them - point-G.

The rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex, you can learn on our web portal.

  1. A big step. Исходно the situation is very simple – hours straight and the hands just drop down. The essence of this elementary exercise is that of the original provision to start walking, lifting high knees, up to that прижимать is to belly.
  2. Bridge. Lying down on your back with half-bent knees, it is necessary to firmly упереться ступнями in the floor. Hands casually lying along the body, while the back is fully in contact with the floor. Of the original provision it is necessary to start to lift slowly and let the pan.
  3. Stick a stone. A very simple and productive exercise. The default position as in the first exercise, only the knees slightly bent. The essence of the exercise is that at the time of voltage ягодичных the muscles of the knees bend even more, and then relax. It is necessary to achieve the feeling of that ass, clench the stone, and then it plunged.
  4. The muscles of potency. This exercise is the main to increase the potency. The default position must be the same as in exercise number two. Legs need a little push, then start to alternately strain and then расслаблять muscles potency. These muscles are located inside the body, it's like I went on the penis, just in the inside. If the exercise is done correctly, then there are feelings that afflicted the urge to urination.

Increase the potency of natural remedies

Increase the potency of natural remedies

The same mustard plaster may increase with incredible speed the potency. You need to grease your stomach with oil and attach to this place a mustard plaster, pre-pad soaked in warm water. Make a mustard plaster should be 5-10 minutes.

This folk method is absolutely aggressive, with him cannot be abused.

Another экстренным method to increase potency is a decoction of nettle.

Enough to pour a dry nettle leaves with boiling water, you can add honey and give the infusion to cool. Pre-hour before sex it is necessary to take the TYPOLOGY of inside miraculous infusion.

Increase the potency of medicines

Standard drugs are applied for the solution of similar problems with потенцией:

  1. If you have problems with потенцией well proved new drug Viathine, which provides стойкую an erection, provided sexual stimulation, contributes to his leadership during the whole sexual intercourse, improves the quality of orgasm. The product is available at a price, well tolerated, not addictive. The doctors admit its combination with a slight amount of alcohol.
  2. Viagra – is the most popular drug, which increases the effectiveness for a period of 4 hours. The drug gives неимоверный effect and really gives confidence to the male part of the population.
  3. Cialis is somewhat different from the usual Viagra, and its relatively long action. It's hard to believe, but the action version of cialis can be stretched out for a full 36 hours, and this means that the member can be in the стоячем able to more days.
  4. Increases several times the erection another medicine under the name of Levitra. An erection from use of this drug occurs almost immediately and can last up to days.

Vacuum, injection, prolactin, and surgery to increase the potency

Almost all cases of reduced potency can be solved thanks to modern medicine.

  1. For increasing the erections, it is possible to use vacuum-constructive correction, which with ease to stimulates the blood circulation. This procedure should be performed before the cast in the sex, because it has a long lasting effect. And it should be noted that it is very effective.
  2. The injection they give wonderful results. Crampons, written to a member, provide a delectable erection.
  3. Hormone therapy requires preliminary studies, but is also effective enough.
  4. Surgery is performed only rarely, only in extreme cases. The prosthesis of the penis they do only when other ways to increase erection already испробованы and did not produce any results. This is the last way, but is it better to consult. Initially, you need to перепробовать all the above described ways.

The lack of a sexual life in the family is able to destroy it.

Problems of a sexual nature are able to reduce the confidence in himself and his male power.

To date, there are many general methods and folk, of course, by means of which actually solve the problem of restoration of potency. The return of male power and firm belief – a reality of today.

Every man deserves to be successful and sexually active. It can't be insured from problems of a different kind with потенцией, but it is possible to solve them all.