Sexual health is an important an integral of the overall emotional and physical health of each person. Although erectile dysfunction and weak potency is not in danger to human life, it cannot in any case be viewed as a тривиальную problem. I have to admit, that the decline in potency and erectile dysfunction - the most common disorders on the basis of which often lies a physical cause.

What increases the potency.
Mainly to bring food to normal. In the diet should be fat exactly 30 percent. Despite the fact, no less and no more. The fact is that male hormones have липидную, it is the fat of the basics. Not to mention that there are various foods that can increase and does increase the potency, is at the top of the list of those of them that contain phosphorus.Increase the potency. Phosphorus is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, it is the first mineral that was elected directly affecting libido, increase potency. Phosphorus comes into contact with nitrogen, fatty acids and глицерином that form when this фосфолипид lecithin, which promotes the excretion of various hormones, including sex. Increase the potency. In descending order according to the amount of phosphorus main products are as follows: brewer's yeast, wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds кабачка, sunflower seeds подсолнуха, almonds, peanuts, dried pinto beans, cheese "cheddar", wheat, walnuts, millet, chicken, brown rice, eggs, garlic, crabs, прессованный cottage cheese, beef, lamb, mushrooms, fresh green peas, sweet corn, raisins, whole milk, yogurt, sprouts, prunes, broccoli, potatoes with the peel, parsley, spinach, pumpkin, green beans, avocado, carrots, onions, red cabbage, celery.
Increase the potency. How to increase the potency.
Also important element is zinc. Zinc is required for the active enzyme the male hormone testosterone.
Testosterone is essential for the increase of potency. The body of a twenty years old man of medium weight usually contains 2.2 g of zinc with the bulk of it is concentrated in the testes. Increase the potency. If zinc is not enough, then the young person experiences sexual позывов, is not able to maintain an erection and produce seed, will and increase potency. The years pass, the body partially loses the ability to absorb zinc, contained in food. Цинковая failure? can deliver men serious problems, including impotence, a significant reduction in sperm counts and prostatitis (inflammation of prostate) - a very widespread disease in the elderly. Increase the potency. If it is timely to reveal, prostatitis can lead to prostate cancer. If zinc is missing, boys, is not yet достигшему the age of sexual consent, then the result may be underdevelopment of the penis and the testicles. Increase the potency. Found that a large amount of zinc is contained in the pituitary gland (шишковидной gland) and in gippokampuse, which are found in the brain, and also netted the human eye. The pineal gland is the most relevant to libido, increased potency, while gippokampus controls the emotions. This discovery allowed to assume that the maintenance of normal levels of zinc necessary for healthy sexual activity for both men and women. A typical diet provides from 10 to 15 mg of zinc daily. However, the body is able to absorb less than a third of this number. Therefore, it is recommended to take 15 mg of zinc daily in pill form. The richest source of zinc are oysters, and maybe just because of this their поедатели considered to be massive lovers. Oats, rye, wheat, raw eggs, peas, lentils and liver also contain a lot of zinc. The daily diet is recommended to complement the six-ten миллиграммами глюконата zinc, splitting them into three doses of twenty milligrams, and take after breakfast and lunch. Remember that if your meal is lacking a sufficient amount of zinc, which should change your diet.
Foods containing zinc in descending order: fresh oysters, ginger root, steak, baranya chop, dry лущеный peas, beef liver, egg yolk, wheat grain, grain rye, oats, peanuts, soy lecithin, almonds, walnuts, sardines, fresh green peas, shrimps, turnips, parsley, potatoes, garlic, carrots, bread from whole grains of wheat, pork chop, corn, grape juice, olive oil, cauliflower, spinach, Chicken, buckwheat, forest nuts, seaweed, hamsa, tuna. Black pepper, paprika, mustard, thyme, cinnamon is also rich in zinc. Vitamin E is sometimes called vitamin "sex", because it plays an important role as an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the body from various harmful substances formed as a result of oxidation.
Increase the potency.
During sexual intercourse and the clitoris and the penis need the amount of oxygen by getting it from the blood. Vitamin E (alpha - tocopherol) helps blood тельцам transport oxygen quickly and efficiently, while avoiding the oxidation process. Vitamin E has a special impact on the front lobe of the pituitary gland, which controls the work of the genital organs. Increase the potency. The total lack of this vitamin in the android diet can lead to irreversible degeneration of epithelial or germ cell ovarian. Its lack in the diet of pregnant women, can cause death of the embryo. Vitamin E is contained in most products, made from flour, such as bread made from whole-wheat grains and bran, fresh кашах, nuts, soya бобах. Still: it is the oil from wheat germ, sunflower seeds подсолнуха, sunflower oil, almond, sesame oil, peanut butter, peanuts, olive oil, spinach, oatmeal, wheat bran, salmon with brown rice, grain rye, rye bread, carrots, bread from whole grains, nuts, bananas, eggs, tomatoes, lamb.
Tea and coffee belong to the beverages, promoting a and, of a continuous body as a whole, and thus acts favorably on the sexual life. Improve the potency. Many very helps cup of coffee or strong tea. Good effect, especially for the people the nerve to give one-two glasses of alcohol. Improve the potency. Still Terentsiy noticed that "without Бахуса Venus grayed out". All of these products, as well as the spices, causing a rush of blood to the genitals.
Improve the potency. Alcohol, in addition, that suppresses the мнительность in nerve people, relieves tension, autonomic nervous system, than creates a good mood. However, we must not forget that the alcohol - it is обоюдоострое weapons, if not to know the measure.
Special exercises and potency.
Special exercises to muscle tension in the area of the perineum can become a part of daily gymnastics for men to increase potency. Scientists have proven that this exercise can much improve the potency of the representatives of the stronger sex.
In the course of the conducted research, almost half of a group of men who suffer from impotence or a weak потенцией, returned to normal sexual life after what happened to do the course as a workout for 30 minutes a day. These men, who previously could not maintain an erection for more than 30 seconds, they were able to increase the duration of their erection five times.
Doctors say that such exercise can increase the potency of men. Man straining the muscles of the perineum in the course of 10 seconds of standing, sitting and lying down, even when he is trying to hold back urination. At the end of the study, of the 55 who suffer from impotence men 40% regained a normal erection, another third of the erection improved. It turned out that such exercises it is necessary to engage all men with erectile dysfunction.
When you can talk about reducing the potency in men and useful application of this exercise?
- - "unreasonable" reduction of interest in sex, "laziness to begin", "lack of tone"
- - lack of spontaneous erections at night and in the morning
- - insufficient hardness of the penis in the period of the erection
- - the weakening of erection during sexual intercourse and the inability to bring it to the end
What is the reason of these phenomena?
- without detailing the anatomy of the male penis - the cause is in insufficient filling the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood, so it is pretty hard in the period of erection.

How they help in improving the potency of fitness classes and a jogging?
According to experts, joint exercises and sport little effect, at this particular point - here need special exercises.
Exercise 1. "A big step"
You stand up straight, hands skip down and start to walk a maximum high lift of the knee and, as if hugging them to her belly.
Exercise 2. "Keep the stone"
You stand straight, hands on his belt, as in exercise 1. Knees slightly bent (!).Now bend your knees stronger and strongly tighten and release your buttocks muscles several times, as if holding sandwiched between them the stone. Выпрямитесь not разгибая to the end of the knee.
Exercise 3. "Скиппинг"
You stand straight, knees slightly bent. You're starting to like running in place, but without lifting socks from the floor, but only alternately heel - quick shifting on the spot with the foot to foot and quickly exposing her knees alternately forward. Only move your knees forward and backward! Exercise should be carried out with maximum speed and at the beginning no more than one minute.Exercise 4. "The bridge"
Lying on your back. The knee semi-flexed and the soles of the feet depends on the floor. Hands along the body. Back evenly touching the floor. Now lifting the pan.
Exercise 5. "The muscles of potency"
Perhaps the most important exercise to enhance potency. Lying on your back as in exercise 4. Legs slightly раздвинуты and you start to strain and расслаблять directly "muscle potency". They are inside between the anus and the яичками, there where the inside of Your body passes an invisible trunk of continuation of a penis. You can feel, touch with the fingers in a moment of tension.
To develop, it is necessary to try to as if trying to shift, pull together the anus and testicles. Similar tension arises, if сдерживаете urination - while the buttocks muscles remain relaxed! When performing this exercise the goal is not the amount of exercise, and the force with which You will be able to provoke tension, "the muscles of potency".
Exercise 6. "The vacuum cleaner"
The next exercise on muscle development potency": you sit on a chair just наклоненным forward, but the shoulders must be расправлены.
Imagine that on the seat of the chair was насыпана, for example, buckwheat groats and you're trying To mentally their muscles засосать it to each other, the space between the яичками and anus, well, like a vacuum cleaner. Relax and repeat the exercise several times. If you are doing the exercises correctly, then the muscles of the buttocks and yet remain virtually relaxed. General recommendation: the load increase very gradually, the number of exercises to do on sensations, starting at just no more than 10 times, the execution of each exercise - the effect is still notice already after a couple of days and also, they enter into the taste of gymnastics.
A set of exercises to increase potency - the restoration and improvement of potency.
Exercises to increase potency taken from yoga.
Растирание the coccyx. In the supine position legs bent in knees, hands put behind your head. Breathe belly 12 times at a fast pace. Then 24 times a bit move the pan to the side, as if растирая the coccyx. "Plow".
Lie on your back head to the wall (at a distance of half of the wall). Hands along the body. Raise the legs up and try toes touch the wall. If succeeded, all position and move the sloth down. Stay in this position. Do 4-6 breaths. Then slowly bend the legs back to the starting position, relax the muscles of the body , a little deeper. If this exercise is good at it, you can it a little bit complicate. On the inhale throw your legs behind your head so that the toes touched the floor. Close your eyes and breathe in the belly (the diaphragm). Do 4-6 breaths and выдохов. Then exhale slowly разогнуться so that the vertebrae were related to gender, one after the other. When your back would rest on the floor, straighten the legs straight up, take a deep breath, and on exhale slowly lower the leg. Relax the muscles of the body. Repeat 4-6 times.
"Rotation of the pelvis". Sit down on a chair astride (facing the back part). Holding the seat back, rotate the pelvis on the circle. Breathe belly and during exhaling sharply be pulled through the back passage (anus). Rotation of the pelvis to perform very smoothly. During one rotation time to inhale and exhale. Repeat 8-16 times. Sit down, relax completely.
"The cobra". Posture mimics the posture of a cobra. Lie on your stomach, arms bent, palms упереться on the floor at the level of the armpits, the elbows lift up. The legs straighten and the a wink of sleep, socks to pull up. When you inhale slowly lift your head. Relying on the hands, lift the shoulders. Breath for a few seconds of delay, tilting the head back. On the exhale press the chest and head, lie down, расслабив muscles. Repeat 4-8 times.
"Protryaska". Stand at a distance half-steps from the wall (facing the wall) so that it lightly rests fingers on the wall, it was convenient to attack from foot to foot, without your socks from the floor. Special running on the spot.
"The onion". Lie down on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knees, lift them and take the hands behind the ankles. During the exhalation lift the legs up. Omit the feet, lie down, relax, breathe calmly. If it is difficult to get, the ankle, it is possible to use a belt or towel. Repeat the first 4 times, and then bring repeat up to 12 times.
"Уддияна". Retraction of the abdomen. Stand up, feet apart at shoulder width apart. After the inhale and a slow exhale the torso must lean down a bit, palms put on the thighs and holding your breath to be drawn into the underbelly. Подогнуть knees and lift the shoulders. Draw the belly. During the delay of breathing it is necessary to try to involve the rectum (back passage). Repeat from 3 to 10 times. Exercises to increase potency to perform a day half an hour before meals or two hours after a meal!