Vitamins for potency – what kind of complex do you choose man?

Male sexual compliance determines the complex of factors. For the stable operation of erectile function, it is important that the body get the necessary nutrients. In this issue is well help vitamins for potency. You can buy them in a pharmacy, stores of sports nutrition in the online markets. In addition — many of the foods and plant remedies contain the important for men components.

Vitamins that affect the potency: what are they?

Men are essential to all substances, which determine the status in life, however, as regards the sexual sphere, then one can distinguish several elements, whose consumption is the maximum needed.

vitamins for potency

It is shown that the vitamins for improved potency have a major impact in the field of sexual well being for men. And this:

  • Нормализуют blood circulation;
  • Stimulate the production of seminal fluid;
  • Activate the conductivity of nerve impulses between the genitals and the unions of the brain;
  • Support elasticity of walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Strengthen the immune protection.

Doctors exclude the following vitamins and minerals required for normal levels of sexual function:

  • Zinc – increases the amount of viable sperm, stimulates testosterone production, helps prevent a number of diseases, is responsible for the regeneration of tissues;
  • Folic acid – also has an impact on the quality of seminal fluid, warns the development of cell abnormalities;
  • Ascorbic acid – the most important connection to maintain the normal immunity;
  • Vitamin D – stimulates the appetite on an emotional level and promotes the synthesis of androgens;
  • Tocopherol – one of the most powerful antioxidants, normalize the levels of the libido, supports the health of skin and hair;
  • Selenium – improves fertility, maintains the health of the genitourinary system;
  • Vitamin a ensures the active production of sex hormones.

When it is important to start to receive?

Vitamins – a great way to support the body, and therefore resort to them, it is appropriate to regularly. Usually, experts prescribe complexes courses 1-3 times per year, in the season of colds, but also in winter and in summer. The choice of the period is dependent on the characteristics of the condition. The duration of intake consists of 30 to 60 days.

The choice of supplements also depends on the age:

  • Men from 20 to 30 to 40 years are advised to pay attention to the complexes, enriched with липоевой acids, b vitamins, as well as токоферолом, ретинолом and vitamin N. Such file substance promotes the production of quality sperm cells, supports muscle mass, stable potency, and also reduces the negative impact of bad habits, what is typical for young people;
  • In the interval from 40 to 50 years should be given preference аскорбиновой acid and витаминам and and Thus help to strengthen the immunity, promote the activity of the heart and blood vessels, suppression of the natural processes of aging;
  • After 55 the main emphasis is on medications and supplements with a high content of vitamin D. It improves the condition of bone tissue and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke in the elderly.

A separate item stand out sports vitamins. Data of the complexes are essential to the men, подвергающимся considerable physical stress. Are enriched with b vitamins, as well as токоферолом and ретинолом. These substances help athletes to faster regenerate and maintain the reserves of the body and energy level.

Mens vitamins to increase the potency. Ranking of the TOP 10 best

Choose the best vitamins for men should determine the manner in which objectives and tasks. The ideal option is to visit a specialist, who on the basis of current health status report names the optimal БАДов or pharmacy drugs. In the absence of such a possibility should pay attention to a balanced мультивитамины, content in each other the whole set of useful components.

Food and folk remedies

products for potency

To normalize the potency is important to draw up a daily diet so as to present a food with the content of the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Zinc is contained in:

  • Stewed beans;
  • Oysters;
  • Lean beef broth;
  • Meat, chicken;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Spinach.

For more b vitamins should eat:

  • Peas;
  • Dates;
  • Bananas;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Green vegetables.

Provide the body with ascorbic acid is possible, if you eat:

  • Cabbage;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Black currant;
  • Apples;
  • Citrus;
  • Raspberries;
  • Milk.

Getting vitamin D depends on the availability of in your diet:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Flounder;
  • The liver;
  • Mackerel;
  • Eggs.

Tocopherol delivered:

  • Peanuts;
  • Almonds;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Potatoes;
  • Carrots;
  • Spinach.

Selenium is contained in the following foods:

  • Garlic;
  • Coconut;
  • Buckwheat groats;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Para nuts.

If you want to get vitamin a, need to consume:

  • Grapes;
  • Cherries;
  • Green onions;
  • Watermelon;
  • Watermelon.

All food is recommended to cook for a couple, boil or stew. In this case, the food keeps useful properties, positively affects potency. Vegetables, fruits and nuts should be consumed raw.

For amplification of the therapeutic effect from vitamin supplements and a balanced diet it is recommended to resort to folk remedies based on herbs and food.

In the extensive list of recipes unconventional medicine stand out:

  • Ginger decoction. One parsley root grind into powder and put into a saucepan with 500 ml of boiling water. Cook for 40 minutes. Cool, add a teaspoon of honey, 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Be consumed as a tea;
  • Tincture of ginseng. 20 g of dried rhizome grind and put in a jar. Add 350 ml of medical alcohol. Give into the darkness and the cold for 3 days. Add clean water in ratio of 1:1. Wait another 72 hours. Профильтровать. Drink before dinner spoon;
  • A mixture of nuts and dried fruits. Equally take курагу, prunes and walnut kernels. Crank up the grinder and mix with a cup of liquid honey. Take a tablespoon;
  • Витаминная mixture. To 100 g of dried apricots, figs, prunes and raisins put in a deep bowl, обдать boiling water and wait 5 minutes. Get dried fruit, dry on a clean cloth. Until the fruits are dry quickly, clean out half a lemon, removing the peel and seeds. All components fold into the bowl of a blender, add a cup of walnuts, перемолоть to the state of a homogeneous substance. Pour the mixture 2/3 cup of honey. Store in a cool, use as a dessert;
  • Dried fruit with кефиром. Mix 200 g figs, dried apricots and raisins, add 300 g of walnuts. Порубить knife. Directly before the consumption into a mass add yogurt without additives or yogurt;
  • Tincture from the dead тельц bees. 1 part tincture to combine with 2 parts of vodka. Cook for 10 minutes on a small fire in the enameled capacity. Pour at a winery made of dark glass and last for 12 hours;
  • Луковая scrambled eggs. Gently нашинковать 2 medium onions. Зажарить on a strong fire. A tablespoon of olive oil, add after the purchase of vegetables dark-brown shades. Break 3 chicken eggs, crush a few lobules garlic;
  • Asparagus with sauce. In salted water cook for 5 stems of vegetables. Especially in the comfortable capacity of the mix after 30 g of juice of lemon and soy sauce, 15 ml melted butter 5 chicken egg yolks. Whip until the state of the cream and cook in сотейники until thick. The asparagus lay on a plate, add red caviar, pour the sauce;
  • Veal with figs. Cut the meat into slices and fry with finely chopped garlic and onion. Wash fruit, figs, cut into small cubes. For 3 minutes until tender food to add to meat;
  • Pumpkin seed oil. It is recommended to add to salads. Contains zinc and essential fatty acids;
  • The oil from flax. Also it is necessary to add to the meal. Restores hormonal background, normalizes the state of the nervous system, stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • The juice of parsley. A bundle of greens, rinse, pat dry, remove the dry and подгнившие leaves. On the half hour put in cold water. Skip through the juicer, moldings in addition to wring out by hand. The liquid is diluted with water. Dosage – 2 teaspoons three times a day.
  • Vegetable juices. Several roots, wash, clean and squeeze in a juicer. Also enroll with the red beets. Mix the collected fluid. Drink in the morning;
  • Lactic acid tincture of cloves. In the thermos empty spoon гвоздичных buds. Add a glass of подогретого, but not hot milk. 2 hours to infuse and then drain. Drink ½ cup in the morning and before bedtime, to improve the taste of the indicators you can add a little brown sugar or honey.


Due to the amount of vitamin complexes represented on the market, to make a definitive conclusion about one hundred percent the effectiveness of this or that diet or call the best means in order, it is difficult. According to the majority of men, приобретающим different supplements that great help in situations where it is necessary to increase the current level of potency, or with minor disorders.

When expressed symptoms of erectile dysfunction, some of the ingredients and поливитаминами, is not enough, however, belongs to the complex therapy of the disease-to support the body and speed up the process of healing.