Increase the potency of folk remedies in 3 days

Folk remedy to enhance potency a long time have been popular. When the lack of drugs that are able to enhance the intimate power of men, the recipes of folk medicine have been a real salvation. And so up to our days the way the use of medicinal plants remains fairly common.

increase potency in men

Simple methods

Folk medicine offers a few simple techniques, that ensure the normalization of and restore sexual function. Even it is known several ways how to increase male potency for three days. Consider the main of them:

  • Hops.

    The method means to pour one teaspoon of crushed bumps to hop a glass of water. Then, the mixture need to boil for 10 minutes. The resulting decoction should drain. For the quick increase of male power to take half a cup 2-3 times a day.

  • The cilantro and parsley.

    The method is based on the preparation of a tincture from the crushed, dried leaves of coriander and parsley. Their pour over boiling water, then insist. Also recommend taking in a pure form to one tablespoon after a meal.

  • The honey and nuts.

    This way refers to one of the most delicious. How to increase male power, folk medicine recommends to mix in equal parts, crushed nuts and honey. Take the resulting mixture should be two teaspoons of half an hour after a meal, washed down with milk. The value of the income during the day is 2-3 times. This method normalizes the potency, increases the synthesis of male sex hormones, and also complements the daily requirement of minerals, vitamins.

  • The root of aralia.

    increase potency in men carrot

    Applied in the form of tinctures. For its preparation it is popular, there is another way: one teaspoon crushed root pour rubbing alcohol. Capacity with the tincture placed in the dark and preferably cool place. Two weeks later, the drug for the rapid increase in the potency of ready to drink.

  • Parsnips.

    From the root of this plant can be prepared flavourings, that it is necessary to season meat, fish dishes. Another method of increasing the male power means cooking an infusion from the seeds. One tablespoon of pour a glass of hot water, after two hours, the drink is ready to accept.

  • Garlic.

    Folk medicine has long recommended to include in the diet garlic as a remedy for improving male power. Way of cooking this drug for men is not so complicated. For this it is necessary to gently cut into 1 kg of garlic and place it in a three-liter jar. Then pour boiled water, to insist, in the course of one month. It is necessary to note, that jars with the mixture should be taken daily cocktail. Take maybe a teaspoon a day.

  • Turnip.

    Turnips are used in raw or cooked form. Is there a way how to deal with erectile dysfunction in men with the help of turnips, boiled in milk. It is also allowed to use fresh or steamed root vegetables. Good effect in three days is possible to achieve by eating a salad of carrots and turnips.

  • Ginger.

    Very effective is considered to be the use of dried ginger with honey. The optimal ratio of ingredients is 1:1. The drug not only helps to increase the potency, but also has an overall tonic effect on the body men. Take half a tablespoon (a teaspoon) three times a day, washed down with water.

  • Ginseng.

    This plant is part of the majority of medicines to improve potency. The effect of ginseng is focused on increasing the education of testosterone and improve semen quality. And so it is not surprising that folk medicine recommends the use of ginseng for men. The method is based on the fact that the root of the plant minced, pour in the vodka. The optimal ratio is 1:20. The capacity of the obtained mixture is sent into a dark place for two weeks. Take 20 drops before meals three times during the day.

  • Carrots.

    For fast increase potency in men can take the juice of carrots. The great effectiveness is assured by mixing it with honey. Take a quarter cup three times a day.

Start from proper nutrition

Speaking of non-drug methods of treatment, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of proper nutrition. Certainly, for the normal functioning of the body men must get all the necessary trace elements, vitamins. Therefore, the diet must be complete and balanced. In addition, there is a way to normalize the male sexual function by inclusion in the diet of certain foods. The main of them are listed below:

  • Seafood.

    It is known that oysters, Rapana and mussels are a powerful aphrodisiac, and is able to increase sexual activity. And if you still cook for him sauce on the base of the celery and parsley, which are also excellent beverages, then the effect of the food will be even greater.

  • Eggs.

    Eggs are useful in any form, because they are considered a powerful stimulant of the male potency in many nations. While it is possible to use not only chicken and eggs, but also quail. Great efficiency is guaranteed, if you cook an omelet or scrambled eggs with the addition of onions, which also increases the sexual activity, because it is an aphrodisiac. Although the increase of male power does not take place so quickly, as in the use of medicinal plants.

  • Tomatoes.

    Folk medicine claims that tomatoes are able to activate the activity of the sex glands, as a result, happens to improve sexual function in men. But the best is to consume them raw, and after heat treatment. For example, bake in the oven or simmer.

increase potency in men eating

The secret of the effectiveness

It is necessary to remember that folk remedies for the normalization of potency for men less effective than medical drugs. Because the positive effect of their application arises not immediately. Usually a three-day course is usually little, they need much longer the adoption of the above funds.

Folk remedy to increase potency enough popular. Their use not only separately, but also in the composition of the various plant fees. The right combination allows you to achieve the desired effect even in three days of use. There are several explanations for the popularity of the folk methods of treatment:

  1. Are available, as well as simple in use.
  2. Most of them are our usual food, and be adjusted to the diet in their favor, you can significantly improve the sexual function of men.
  3. Increase the potency of folk remedies does not require significant financial costs, the difference from the advertised drugs.

Despite the safety applications and the lack of side effects of such treatment, it is recommended that a preliminary consultation of the doctor. Because the cause of the sexual dysfunction can be a serious disease. It is therefore important to timely examination.