Means to increase potency in men

Reduction in potency — a problem familiar to all, without exception, men. Reduction or disappearance of potency is not always observed only in a respectable age, and often can become a serious problem a young man. Let's try together to understand the causes of the decline of erection, and the ways of its restore.

Often, we begin to address its own health, just noticed the first signs of trouble, and completely pay attention to preventive action. The modern rhythm of a big city involves a lot of mental effort, constant stress, overwork, sleep deprivation and sedentary way of life. All of these factors are able to affect the quality of sex and decreased libido.

To avoid problems in the sexual sphere try not to overwork at work, innocens on an impossible I wear duties. Weekend try to pay yourself, be sure to get enough sleep at least once a week, outside of hiking and the time to give up the computer. Electromagnetic radiation and static pose in front of the monitor is not conducive to the development of the male power. Nicotine and alcohol — the main friends of the weak erection. Conduct an experiment — give up cigarettes and alcohol for a month. Satisfied with the result, and you and your partner.

Simple secret wonders

Simple secret wonders

Bath, sauna or steam bath — it is the most enjoyable way to improve an erection. Take part in the bath a few times a week, use a birch broom. High temperatures improve blood circulation and have a common wellness effect. A good result also give a contrast bath or shower before going to bed. For starters, the temperature difference should be small and comfortable for the body.

In the future this figure is to be maximized. Alternate hot and cold water 8-10 times in a single receipt. Such a procedure is perfectly trains the blood vessels and improves blood flow to the organs. Still it is possible to use the method of chinese healers. For this, make a few ice cubes, wrap in a cloth and apply alternately to the base of the skull, in the region of the heart and on the scrotum. Hold no more than one minute on each zone.

Products that increase potency

Between the sweetness of the leading place is occupied by the honey, as the most powerful natural aphrodisiac. If to it add nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts or walnuts) — get a powerful remedy for a good erection. Take this tidbit is followed by spoons on 3 hours of sleep. The result will be reflected after a week after the start of the reception.

Male power is able to enhance any meat. However, here it is important to exaggerate, do not cram the hard meat dish for the night. Meat can be replaced with fish. Especially good flounder and sardines. In this fish it is better to fry in a pan in butter, and bake in foil, or cook for a couple. Excellent sky will be vegetables, mushrooms, some kind of foliage.

Spring and summer — the perfect time for a salad of dandelion leaves. Dandelion perfectly raises the potency, but to add to the salad should not be more than three-four leaves, as the specific bitterness can ruin the taste of the food.

Famous seafood — mussels, shrimp and crabs also an excellent effect to increase the potency. Onions and regular garlic — the best friends a good erection. To consume it can be in any form and in any quantity.

There is a recipe for a miracle cure for men. One kilogram of peeled and finely chopped garlic pour in three-liter jar and pour the piled up banks of boiled water. The mixture infuse for one month, periodically shaking. To take infusion of a teaspoon a day, washed down with a glass of milk. Take until the bank is emptied. Such a procedure rejuvenates the body, cleanses the blood vessels and prolongs life.

From what it is better to give up? Fast food, sausages, sausages, pasta, potatoes — it is "empty" foods that may not be in a constant state of your diet. Energy drinks and coffee — they give a short-term fee, but with constant use, able to reduce the potency. Bread is better to buy gingerbread or with bran. Fresh white rolls clog blood vessels, reducing their permeability.

Special exercises

Special exercises

Them you can train at home, devote a minimum of time and without the expenditure of any material funds, which are ideal to increase the potency at home for busy people.

"Keep the stone". The basic position — standing straight, hands on his belt. Slightly bend your knees and strongly tighten and loosen the glutes several times, as if trying to keep sandwiched between them the stone. Straighten, relax and repeat five times.

"The bridge". For a starting position lie on your back, hands pull along the torso, the knees in a bent position, feet on the floor. Keep your back horizontally, lift and lower pelvis.

"Incessu". Go back to the room, max rises to his knees and trying to touch their bellies and, for a moment hold your legs in this position.

"Skipping". In a standing position, hands on his belt. Start jogging on the spot, while from the floor to rip just the heel, the socks remain motionless. Follow vigorously, rapidly bending and unbending the knees. You should start with one minute.

Herbs that increase potency

Recipes based on herbs, impotence a large amount, here are a few of the simplest and reliable.

Anemone sylvestris plant poison, so they should be eaten with caution, strictly follow the dosage. 1 tbsp stems and leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiled water and insist 1 hour. Eat a quarter cup twice a day.

Onion increases libido, strengthens the activity of the testes, increases the volume of sperm production in the body. Consume can be the light bulbs both in the fresh state and in the form of infusion. Two medium onions finely, pour 400 ml of hot water, insist 4 h, drink 0,1 liter three times a day.

Snowdrop Voronov used in the impotence, caused to soil stress and nervous exhaustion. 1 tablespoon of dried cauliflower and leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist within an hour, then drain. Drink 0.3 cups three times a day.

Radiogram pink. Use only the roots. Take rhizomes on vodka To one part of the roots to take five parts of vodka. Infuse for two weeks. Drink 15 drops three times a day for 15-25 minutes before eating.

Lungwort drug. 10 g of dry grass pour a glass of boiled water, insist 1 hour. Drain through a gauze or a sieve. Take before a meal 1 tablespoon three times a day. Weed can be used instead of spices to add to soups and salads.


Pills to increase potency

On the one hand, the use of pills comfortable enough. The effect is immediate, physiological addictive no side effects to a minimum. The medication acts specifically on the penis, in a short time lead him to a state of full alert. However, there are a number of psychological problems. Later, even good sex without adopted pills often does not meet the man, and the unsuccessful attempts only strengthen the belief in your own helplessness.

Very often problems with potency arise as a consequence of the hormonal imbalance in the body. Sufficient to contact your doctor, hand over analyzes on hormones and start taking the necessary medication, how to get rid of such annoying problems, such as impotence.